Embrace The Attitude of Gratitude

Have you noticed that the theme of gratitude continues to surface everywhere lately?! I’m not gonna lie; I love it. Practicing gratitude is a great reminder (particularly in trying times…) to remember, acknowledge, and cherish all of the good surrounding us. I find that even feeling grateful for the little things brightens my day (mmm… coffee.)

Perhaps the positive self-talk feels a bit nauseating for you… and if that’s the case, I get it. The world is in a weird place right now. And paying close attention to what we’re thankful for is not something most people are hard-wired for.

But when you make a conscious effort to be grateful, you know what? It’s contagious.

Once you open your mind and your heart to being thankful and spreading appreciation to those around you, you’ll start to find that greater happiness is infused into your world. This can do wonders for your creativity and business success.

All this positivity may seem a bit hokey, but is that so bad?

So, why the outpouring of gratitude, and why now? Perhaps people need something to believe in when the news is riddled with pandemic talk, polarizing politics, shootings, and climate change. Thankfully (pun intended), the value of receiving (but even more so of giving) thanks, appreciation, and praise is getting recognized as not only a social but a scientifically-proven mood enhancer. Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

Seriously. It’s science, friends. Gratitude has the power to bring us together to change our personal lives and also to drive cultural change in our businesses. The benefits are tangible. Dr. Robert A. Emmons is a professor of Psychology at the University of California, Davis. He focuses on psychological, behavioral, and social research surrounding gratitude. He shares that gratefulness increases emotional well-being; grateful people get along better with others; grateful people are less depressed; grateful people achieve more, and grateful people are more resilient to trauma. He talks about the physiological benefits of expressing gratitude in the workplace, including:

  • 23% lower levels of cortisol
  • Lower levels of inflammatory biomarkers in heart failure (HF) patients 
  • Increased heart rate variability (HRV) in HF patients 
  • Greater physical activity 
  • 20% reduction in diastolic pressure 

When it comes to happiness and business, are we doing it wrong? What if rather than thinking that success leads to happiness, in fact: happiness leads to success? (Check out Shawn Achor’s TED Talk on positive psychology to learn more about this take on the chicken or the egg debate.)

So, where do we start?

Scientific evidence demonstrates that the power of gratitude is felt not only by the receiver of praise, thanks, or kudos – studies show that the giver receives an even bigger boost in well-being than the person they express gratitude to. The answer lies within you.

Do you need an attitude adjustment? If there is even one cynical bone in your body about the power of gratitude, it’s time for a shift. You are in control of your own happiness destiny!  

Be the change you wish to see in the world. 

  1. Start your day with a grateful heart. Every morning write down 3 things you are grateful for. By focusing on the positive, you can wire your brain to be more positive. It’s a fact.
  2. Handwrite a thank-you note to someone who positively impacted your world. Use a pen and paper rather than sending an email. *Bonus points if you make a phone call to express your thanks.
  3. Get outside. Fresh air works wonders for your psyche. Appreciate that you are alive. 

If you are like most people, you’re spending more hours working than with your family. Practicing gratitude in your business while working can lead to higher job satisfaction and greater engagement — people who feel appreciated and valued perform better all around. So…spread the joy and the appreciation and make your positive attitude contagious.

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